Recent News


And The Winner Is!!!

The winner of The 2016 Holiday Decorating Contest is 787 Spruce Hill Way. Congratulations Dave and Monica Miles! Start thinking about your decorations for next year. We hope to have a lot more involvement in 2017.

2016 Executive Board Meetings

2016 Executive Board meetings will take place on the third Tuesday of every other month. All lot owners are invited and welcomed to attend.

Reserve Study

A Reserve Study was completed by Miller Dodson Associates, Capital Reserve Consultants, to assess what the HOA should have in Reserve to pay for the upkeep, maintenance and replacement of the common area amenities, including the roads, walking paths, storm water management devices, entrance monuments, and signage. Reserve Study (password Protected)

Want To Get Involved?

If you would like to volunteer your time, talents or treasures to our HOA, please check out our new menu item, Get Involved, in the main menu on our home page. Currently, we are looking for volunteers to serve on our Beautification Committee and to possibly head up a Welcoming Committee and a Tree Grant Committee. A big thanks to all of our current volunteers! We appreciate everything you do for our community!!

Update/Verify Contact Information

To ensure that you are getting the most up-to-date HOA information, please log in to the PMP account website ( and verify that all contact information is correct. If you haven’t already, please share your email address so that we can send you updates and reminders. Thank you!

If you have any difficulties accessing your account, please contact PMP here for assistance.